Pepper Ball, Pepper Spray & Pepper Gel Laws By State


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If you just landed on this page - first off, we’re happy you’re here! But more importantly, stick around and learn about all the amazing ways you can step into self-defense mode and protect both yourself and your loved ones. Pepper Spray is a great option. But if you want to get more aggressive, check out the Byrna Gun. We have videos and informative information on them. Click Here!

The delivery method of pepper spray, some know as mace, has come a long way, and with the violence finding its way across the country, there’s been no better time than now to be prepared.

All forms of legal pepper spray are considered to be a less lethal form of self-protection.

Having an Active Self Protection Plan and doing your homework, inspecting and researching all forms of self-defense and all options of less-lethal weapons is key as we move through the 21st century.

The laws per state below are a good place to start to be sure you are protected.


  • Alabama has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Alabama.


  • Pepper spray is legal with some restrictions.

  • State law prohibits the sale of pepper spray to individuals under 18 years old.

  • State law prohibits carrying pepper spray in a school without permission from school authorities.


  • Arizona has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Arizona.

  • Pepper spray may not be used against verbal provocation alone or to resist arrest.


  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Arkansas, but the container cannot exceed 150 cubic centimeters.


  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to California, but the container cannot exceed 2.5 ounces.

  • It is prohibited for any persons addicted to any narcotic drug or persons under 18 to buy, possess, or use tear gas or tear gas products.


  • Colorado has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Colorado.


  • Connecticut has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Connecticut.


  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Delaware.

  • Individuals must be at least 18 to possess pepper spray.

District of Columbia

  • It is legal to buy, carry, and use pepper spray in D.C.; however, an individual must register the spray at a local police station before legally possessing.

  • Individuals must be at least 18 to purchase or register pepper spray, but anyone 14 or older may do so as long as they have permission from a parent or legal guardian.


  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Florida, but the container cannot be more than 2 ounces.

  • Convicted felons cannot possess pepper spray.


  • Georgia has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Georgia.


  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Hawaii.

  • Individuals must be at least 18 to possess pepper spray.

  • Mailed containers must be less than .5 ounces.


  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Idaho.


  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Illinois.

  • Individuals must be at least 18 to possess pepper spray.

  • Chicago prohibits using pepper spray in an enclosed room if more than 20 people are present.


  • Indiana has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Indiana.


  • Iowa has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Iowa.


  • Kansas has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Kansas.


  • Kentucky has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Kentucky.


  • Louisiana has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Louisiana.


  • It is legal to buy, use, possess, and ship pepper spray to Maine; however, the criminal use of pepper spray and other disabling chemicals is illegal. Use must be in self-defense, as in most other states.


  • It is legal to buy, use, possess, and ship pepper spray to Maryland.

  • Pepper spray is considered a dangerous weapon in Maryland, but individuals have the right to use it in self-defense.

  • Minors are prohibited from using pepper spray between one hour before sunset and one hour before sunrise.


  • It is legal to buy, use, possess, and ship pepper spray to Massachusetts.

  • It is illegal to ship human formula pepper spray to Massachusetts; however, it is legal to ship animal formula pepper spray.

  • Suppose an individual has been convicted of a felony, a misdemeanor punishable by two years imprisonment, a violent crime, or committed to a hospital or mental illness institution. In that case, they cannot buy or possess pepper spray.

  • A firearms identification card is required for purchasers 15 to 18 years old.


  • It is legal to buy, use, possess, and ship pepper spray to Michigan.

  • Pepper spray cannot contain more than 35 grams of any combination of orthochlorobenzalmalononitrile and inert ingredients.

  • Pepper spray cannot have more than 18% oleoresin capsicum.

  • Pepper spray cannot contain an ultraviolet dye and no more than 18% oleoresin capsicum.

  • Minors cannot purchase pepper spray.


  • It is legal to buy, use, possess, and ship pepper spray to Minnesota.

  • Individuals must be at least 16 years old to possess pepper spray.

  • Any individuals prohibited from possessing a pistol cannot possess pepper spray.


  • Mississippi has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Mississippi.


  • Missouri has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Missouri.


  • Montana has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Montana.


  • Nebraska has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Nebraska.


  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Nevada.

  • Minors are not allowed to possess pepper spray.

  • Any pepper spray models that employs CS tear gas must contain no more than 2 oz. of solution.

New Hampshire

  • New Hampshire has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to New Hampshire.

New Jersey

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to New Jersey.

  • Individuals must be 18 years old to possess pepper spray.

  • Felons are prohibited from possessing pepper spray.

  • Pepper spray containers must be pocket-sized and cannot release more than 3/4 of an ounce of pepper spray.

New Mexico

  • New Mexico has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to New Mexico.

New York

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to New York.

  • It is illegal to ship human formula pepper spray to New York; however, it is legal to ship animal formula pepper spray.

  • Individuals must be at least 18 to possess pepper spray.

  • The paper spray container must be pocket-sized.

  • Individuals can purchase a maximum of 2 pepper sprays in a single transaction.

  • Individuals convicted of a felony or assault cannot possess pepper spray.

North Carolina

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to North Carolina.

  • Pepper spray containers cannot exceed 5 ounces.

North Dakota

  • North Dakota has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to North Dakota.


  • Ohio has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Ohio.


  • Oklahoma has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Oklahoma.


  • Oregon has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Oregon.


  • Pennsylvania has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Pennsylvania.

Rhode Island

  • Rhode Island has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Rhode Island; however, individuals must be at least 18 years old to possess pepper spray.

South Carolina

  • South Carolina has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to South Carolina.

South Dakota

  • South Dakota has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to South Dakota.


  • Tennessee has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Tennessee.


  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Texas.

  • State law says pepper sprays must be a "small chemical dispenser."


  • Utah has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Utah.


  • Vermont has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Vermont.


  • Virginia has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Virginia.


  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Washington.

  • Individuals must be at least 18 years old to buy or possess pepper spray; however, those who are at least 14 can purchase or possess with parental permission.

West Virginia

  • West Virginia has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to West Virginia.


  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Wisconsin.

  • Pepper spray containers must be less than 2 ounces.

  • Pepper sprays must contain less than 10% of oleoresin capsicum.

  • Pepper spray cannot be disguised or camouflaged.

  • Individuals must be at least 18 years old to buy or possess pepper spray; however, minors can with parental permission.


  • Wyoming has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray.

  • It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Wyoming.

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20 Optimized FAQs for the Pepper Spray Laws Page:

  1. What is pepper spray, and how does it work?

    Pepper spray, sometimes called mace, is a non-lethal self-defense tool. It irritates the eyes and skin, causing temporary blindness and discomfort, allowing you time to escape.

  2. Is pepper spray legal in all 50 states?

    Pepper spray is legal in most U.S. states, but each state has its own laws regarding size limits, usage, and possession. Our state-by-state guide details the specific pepper spray laws across the country.

  3. What restrictions are there for carrying pepper spray in California?

    In California, pepper spray containers must not exceed 2.5 ounces, and it cannot be sold or possessed by minors or individuals with felony convictions.

  4. Can I legally carry pepper spray in New York?

    Yes, but New York restricts pepper spray purchases to state-approved retailers, and only pocket-sized containers are legal. Human formula sprays cannot be shipped into the state.

  5. How do I use pepper spray effectively for self-defense?

    To use pepper spray effectively, aim for the attacker's face, use short bursts, and ensure the spray is easily accessible in high-risk situations.

  6. Can convicted felons carry pepper spray?

    In many states, including New York and Massachusetts, convicted felons are prohibited from carrying pepper spray. Always check local regulations to ensure compliance.

  7. What’s the difference between pepper spray, mace, and pepper ball guns?

    Pepper spray and mace are often used interchangeably but refer to different chemical compositions. Pepper ball guns shoot projectiles that release pepper irritants on impact, offering a long-distance self-defense option.

  8. Is pepper spray considered a dangerous weapon?

    While it is considered less-lethal, pepper spray can be classified as a dangerous weapon in states like Maryland, where misuse can result in legal consequences.

  9. Can I carry pepper spray in public places, like shopping malls or parks?

    Most states allow the public carrying of pepper spray, but certain locations like schools, government buildings, and airports may have restrictions.

  10. What is the best type of pepper spray for personal protection?

    The best pepper spray for personal protection is a compact, easily accessible model. Many prefer sprays with UV dye, which helps authorities identify attackers later.

  11. Are there any pepper spray container size limits?

    Yes, many states, such as Michigan (35 grams max) and California (2.5 oz max), regulate the container size of pepper spray for legal use.

  12. Can minors carry pepper spray for self-defense?

    In most states, individuals must be 18 years old to possess pepper spray, though some states allow minors to carry it with parental permission.

  13. How does pepper spray compare to other self-defense tools like stun guns or pepper ball guns?

    Pepper spray is a close-range tool, while stun guns require direct contact. Pepper ball guns, on the other hand, offer long-range defense by firing pepper rounds that burst on impact.

  14. Are there restrictions on shipping pepper spray?

    Yes, some states, like Massachusetts and New York, restrict or prohibit the shipping of pepper spray, especially human formulas. Check local laws before purchasing online.

  15. What should I do if I accidentally spray myself with pepper spray?

    If you accidentally spray yourself, flush your eyes and skin with water immediately. Seek medical attention if the irritation persists.

  16. Is pepper spray legal in schools or universities?

    Many states prohibit carrying pepper spray in schools or on university campuses without permission. Always check with your local school administration for rules regarding self-defense tools.

  17. What are the penalties for misusing pepper spray?

    Misusing pepper spray can lead to criminal charges, especially if used offensively or against law enforcement officers. Penalties vary by state but can include fines and jail time.

  18. What’s the shelf life of pepper spray, and how often should it be replaced?

    Pepper spray typically has a shelf life of 2-4 years. It's recommended to check the expiration date regularly and replace it as needed to ensure effectiveness.

  19. Can I carry pepper spray while traveling out of state?

    While pepper spray is generally legal across the U.S., it’s important to check the specific laws of your destination state to ensure compliance, as restrictions can vary.

  20. How do I choose the best pepper spray for my needs?

    Consider factors like container size, spray type (stream, fog, or gel), and the intended use (personal defense, home protection, etc.). For those interested in distance protection, consider pepper ball guns as an alternative.

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