Prepared - A Safety and Readiness Blog

Chris Marciano Chris Marciano

These 8 Types of Therapy Help People Transform Their Lives

What does this really mean? Everyone would have access to resources for increasing self-awareness, self-regulation, and integration – a space to question, observe, and come to terms with the events in our lives.

Approximately one in ten American adults seek therapy, and 75% of them find benefits such as improved sleep, satisfaction, cognitive function, energy levels, and agency. Therapy is a great place – a low stakes environment – to improve communication skills and commit to beating addictions.

What makes therapy different from other relationships? The non-judgment factor. In a therapeutic setting, you’re sitting in a room with one (or several) people who are either (a) compassionately curious about what you’re going through, or (b) going through the same thing you’re going through. Many people do not wish to burden their significant others or loved ones with what they perceive to be stressful information, and a room full of strangers or with a knowledgeable professional reduces fears associated with sharing critical information.

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Chris Marciano Chris Marciano

Preventing and Managing Burnout in the Healthcare Industry

Set Boundaries!

It's so important to set boundaries and practice self-care. Burnout doesn't just happen overnight; it builds up over time as we push ourselves harder and harder. By taking some time for us to recharge, we can avoid reaching the point of burnout. There are a variety of different ways to do this, from taking a few minutes each day to disconnect from work to take a vacation when possible. Implementing some self-care strategies can make a world of difference in our ability to thrive in the healthcare field. It is absolutely imperative to unplug, disengage, and concentrate on non-work activities while you're not working. Learn to "say no" to ‘extras like taking on more responsibilities, covering too many coworkers' shifts, or taking part in research initiatives will also keep you calmer.

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Chris Marciano Chris Marciano

The Byrna Gun - A new Face of Home and Self Defense | Prepare To Act

Less Lethal May Be The Right Choice

In a world where mass shootings seem to be happening with increasing frequency, many people are looking for better ways to protect themselves and their loved ones. Enter the Byrna gun. This non-lethal self-defense weapon is taking the country by storm, and for good reason. Here's everything you need to know about the Byrna gun.

Less lethal, self-defense weapons that are both effective and non-lethal are few and far between. Most pepper spray or stun guns require you to be very close to your attacker in order to work, which negates their effectiveness in many situations. The Byrna gun overcomes this drawback by firing pellets that can travel up to 100 feet. This makes it an ideal self-defense weapon for anyone who wants to be able to protect themselves from a distance.

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Chris Marciano Chris Marciano

Kidnapping Phone Scam

Be Aware-Kid Napping Scam Attempts To Steal Your Money.

The phone rings, there's background noise, and you hear a kid crying—wait, was that your kid? They scream for you to help them; you're panicked. Then a man's voice comes on and demands a ransom.

Sounds terrifying, right? It is, and that's what it's meant to do. Terrify to the point where you'd do anything, pay anything to make sure your child is safe and returned to you.

This is a scam-it's happening more frequently, it's sounding more legitimate, and it has milked tens of thousands of dollars from people's wallets.

Check out our recent blog post to learn all that you need to prevent and fight back.

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Chris Marciano Chris Marciano

Bank Jugging - A Violent Crime Sweeping The Country

Bank jugging is becoming increasingly common because it is a very profitable crime. Criminals can make off with thousands of dollars in just a few minutes, and they often target vulnerable victims who are unlikely to report the crime or fight back. As a result, bank jugging is a growing problem in cities across the country. Fortunately, there are some steps that you can take to protect yourself from this violent crime. First, be aware of your surroundings and be cautious of anyone who is following you or loitering near your car. Second, if you are carrying a bank deposit bag, keep it close to your body and be prepared to hand it over if confronted by a robber. Finally, if you are the victim of a bank jugging, do not resist and call the police immediately. By taking these precautions, you can help to keep yourself safe from this violent crime.

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Chris Marciano Chris Marciano

The Power of the Pepper Ball Gun

If you are not familiar with the pepper ball gun, it is a projectile weapon that fires spherical shells filled with OC pepper spray. The pepper ball gun has been gaining in popularity in recent years as a non-lethal alternative to traditional firearms for law enforcement agencies. But what many people don't know is that the pepper ball gun also has a number of civilian applications. Here are just a few of the ways you can put the power of the pepper ball gun to work for you.

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Chris Marciano Chris Marciano

Critical Incident Response Team

Primary interventions involve developing a strategic plan, assigning members to a critical incident response team, providing training to those colleagues, and even going through drills to prepare team members for a real scenario. Many hospitals, airports, and schools may go through active shooter drills, earthquake drills, and hostage negotiation drills. The goal is to acclimate team members to the tense environment of a real-time scenario and review protocol until it is committed to muscle memory. Some protocols might involve engaging in mindfulness, measured breathing, or relaxation techniques that help to restore the body’s sympathetic nervous system to equilibrium. A swift, composed response is essential when handling critical incidents.

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Chris Marciano Chris Marciano

The Ability To Be Reasonable. Have We Lost It?

The ability to be reasonable is a diminishing skill. It takes constant conscious thought to be able to not only use it but use it without even thinking about it. It’s a conscious and daily grind, but it's so important to train our brains to use the skill of reasonability as a reflex. Imagine being at a baseball game and the ball comes flying off the bat toward your head. Instinctively, I hope, you react quickly enough to move out of the way. Do you only have this reflex because you have already once been hit in the face with a baseball? Of course not.

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