The Self Defense Keychain
A Review That’s Part of Our Active Self-Protection Systems.
When if comes to self-defense, there are so many options out there. On this page, we are highlighting the many options that fall under the Self-Defense Keychain. If there is one thing we have learned, no matter what less-lethal weapon you choose to protect yourself you have to be confident and comfortable using it. This page will help you understand the options you have when choosing the right Self-Defense Keychain for you. A good self defense keychain will give confidence and a sense of security when you need it the most.
Active Self Protection is more than just having the right weapon in your self defense tool kit. It’s about having the mental understanding and the ability to keep our distance from bad people and bad situations. It’s imperative that we pay attention to our surroundings, which in law enforcement is known as situational awareness. Paying attention to where we are, who is around us, and what dangers may present themselves is essential to survival against a would-be-attacker.
Less Lethal Self-Defense Weapons
Staying Safe & Avoiding Conflict
Having a self-defense keychain in your possession is not enough, you must first find the right one that is right for you. Second, you must have the self-confidence to use and know when you can use it.
We must learn to trust our Gut Instincts. It’s intuition, we all have it, but most of us don’t practice using it, therefore we don’t understand how important it is. Law Enforcement Officers use it every day, all day, to help them read situations before they get really bad.
Distance is our friend, pay enough attention to your surroundings to know when you should create distance or completely avoid a person or situation. If someone is too close to you, or in your personal space, takes steps backward or away from that person.
Being Nice Is a Curse! Your mom did it, my mom did it, so we think everyone’s mom does it, but guess what they don’t. Our moms told us to be nice to people, so we assume everyone wants to be nice to us, trust me, they don’t. That mis--understanding often allows people to get to close and we become vulnerable. Don’t Be Vulnerable!
Learn ways to De-escalate a situation.
Always Stay Calm
Show self-confidence by keeping eye contact
Listen and listen carefully
Understand it’s like not personal so do not become defensive
As mentioned above, keep a good distance and avoid tunnel vision.
Self Defense KeyChain - Part II
Want Something More Shocking? Check Out Our Review of Self Defense Keychain With A Taser!