

  • Specially Manufactured, Light, Yet Visible & Strong Weatherproof/Waterproof Stainless Steel Tag & 24” Stainless Steel Chain - Ready For Immediate Use.

  • Developed In Cooperation With Police & Emergency Response Specialists

  • Lifetime Subscription & Storage Included.

Web Powered Military Style Medical/Emergency Information

Stainless Pendant Smart Tag

  • Dynotags contain no GPS, battery, electronics or radio - they use the electronics of the device viewing the tag to find its location at the time of view. Our advanced Dynotag Cloud Service (DCS) functions as the "brain" of your dynotag, working 7/24. Visit help.dynotag.com for more information.

  • A dynotag is a Web-enabled, GPS assisted QR Smart Tag that can be read using a smartphone or any modern web browser on any computer or smartphone.

  • When someone views your dynotag – its location, if present, is added as a clickable link to open on Google maps and you are notified with an email.




Front of the pendant is designed to attract attention even if the owner is incapacitated. First responders recognize the universal “Star of Life” sign indicating the pendant leads to valuable information.



Back of the pendant offers multiple paths to obtaining the information. The QR Code can be scanned by any smartphone reader – and will launch a web browser to view the tag contents. Alternatively, a full, unique web address is also presented so any modern web browser on a computer can be used to reach the information. QR code is optional.


First Responders…

First Responders need your help to access your most up to date medical and related emergency information (insurance carrier, contact info of loved ones, consent forms). With a dynotag ECI tag, valuable minutes, if not hours can be saved, mistakes can be prevented and proper consent can be granted for life saving intervention.


Peace of Mind…

Do you remember your doctor’s name, your insurance info, supplements or medicines you are taking, any chronic conditions or allergies?

Do your loved ones have all this information on them?

How will First Responders get access to this information if you are not conscious?

How will you know when a loved one’s emergency information is accessed?

Can you keep your basic information available and sensitive information secure?

Dynotag has you covered with an extensive selection of tough, purpose built, ready-to-use Emergency Contact Information (ECI) tags, enabled with dynotag’s rich set of features. Be prepared! No loved one should be without…


More Prepare To Act Safety Resources