Byrna Gun Laws by State: Complete Guide to Purchasing, Carrying, and Use
Byrna Gun Laws by State
Purchasing: Legal for adults 18 and older. No permits required.
Carrying: Allowed openly or concealed without a permit.
Using: Only for lawful self-defense; misuse can lead to charges.
Selling: Legal; no special licensing required.
Shipping/Receiving: No restrictions.
Purchasing: Legal without restrictions for those 18 and older.
Carrying: Allowed openly or concealed without a permit.
Using: Must align with self-defense laws.
Selling: Permitted; sellers must comply with general guidelines.
Shipping/Receiving: No restrictions.
Purchasing: Permitted for those over 18 years old.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without permits.
Using: Restricted to lawful self-defense scenarios.
Selling: No special regulations.
Shipping/Receiving: No known restrictions.
Purchasing: Legal for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed, but permits may be required in some areas.
Using: Only lawful self-defense situations permitted.
Selling: Legal, following general weapon sale laws.
Shipping/Receiving: Allowed without restrictions.
Purchasing: Permitted, but buyers must be 18 or older.
Carrying: Legal, but some local ordinances may restrict use in public spaces.
Using: Only for self-defense; improper use can result in severe penalties.
Selling: Sellers must comply with California weapon sales laws.
Shipping/Receiving: No restrictions, but check local regulations.
Purchasing: Legal for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Allowed openly or concealed without a permit.
Using: Self-defense use only.
Selling: No special licensing requirements.
Shipping/Receiving: No restrictions.
Purchasing: Legal for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Concealed carry permitted; no open carry laws apply.
Using: Only for lawful self-defense purposes.
Selling: Legal, but sellers must comply with state guidelines.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted statewide.
Purchasing: Permitted for individuals 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without restrictions.
Using: Must follow state self-defense laws.
Selling: Sellers must follow general weapon sale regulations.
Shipping/Receiving: Allowed.
Purchasing: Legal for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Permitted openly or concealed.
Using: Self-defense only; improper use can lead to penalties.
Selling: No specific requirements for sellers.
Shipping/Receiving: No restrictions.
Purchasing: Legal for those 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without permits.
Using: Restricted to lawful self-defense.
Selling: No additional licensing required.
Shipping/Receiving: No restrictions.
Purchasing: Permitted for individuals over 18.
Carrying: Byrna guns must be carried discreetly and cannot be brandished in public.
Using: Self-defense use only; misuse can result in penalties.
Selling: Sellers must follow Hawaii's strict guidelines for non-lethal weapon sales.
Shipping/Receiving: Shipping may require approval; consult local regulations.
Purchasing: Legal for individuals 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without restrictions.
Using: Self-defense only; misuse prohibited by law.
Selling: Legal, with no additional state-level requirements.
Shipping/Receiving: No restrictions.
Purchasing: Allowed for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Concealed carry recommended; open carry may be restricted in some areas.
Using: Restricted to lawful self-defense situations.
Selling: Sellers must comply with Illinois weapon sale laws.
Shipping/Receiving: Shipping is allowed but must adhere to local ordinances.
Purchasing: Legal for individuals over 18.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without a permit.
Using: Use limited to lawful self-defense.
Selling: Sellers must follow general sale guidelines.
Shipping/Receiving: No restrictions.
Purchasing: Legal for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without permits.
Using: Self-defense only; misuse is subject to penalties.
Selling: No special licensing requirements.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted statewide.
Purchasing: Legal for individuals 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry permitted.
Using: Self-defense only; misuse prohibited.
Selling: Legal with no special restrictions.
Shipping/Receiving: Allowed without restrictions.
Purchasing: Permitted for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed.
Using: Must adhere to self-defense laws.
Selling: No specific restrictions for sellers.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted.
Purchasing: Legal for individuals over 18.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without permits.
Using: Use restricted to lawful self-defense.
Selling: No additional requirements.
Shipping/Receiving: No restrictions.
Purchasing: Permitted for individuals 18 and older.
Carrying: Allowed openly or concealed.
Using: Limited to self-defense situations.
Selling: No special licensing required.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted statewide.
Purchasing: Allowed for individuals 18 and older.
Carrying: Open carry may be restricted; concealed carry recommended.
Using: Limited to lawful self-defense.
Selling: Sellers must adhere to state guidelines.
Shipping/Receiving: No restrictions.
Purchasing: Permitted for individuals over 18.
Carrying: Restricted in public areas; check local ordinances.
Using: Self-defense only; misuse can result in fines or penalties.
Selling: Sellers must follow state weapon sale regulations.
Shipping/Receiving: Allowed but subject to state guidelines.
Purchasing: Legal for individuals 18 and older.
Carrying: Concealed carry allowed; open carry may face restrictions.
Using: Self-defense only.
Selling: Complies with general sale laws.
Shipping/Receiving: Allowed without restrictions.
Purchasing: Permitted for those over 18.
Carrying: Open carry allowed; concealed carry recommended.
Using: Only lawful self-defense.
Selling: No special regulations for sellers.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted statewide.
Purchasing: Legal for individuals over 18.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry permitted without a permit.
Using: Limited to lawful self-defense.
Selling: Sellers must follow general regulations.
Shipping/Receiving: No restrictions.
Purchasing: Legal for individuals 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without restrictions.
Using: Permitted for lawful self-defense only.
Selling: No specific restrictions; sellers must comply with state guidelines.
Shipping/Receiving: Allowed statewide.
Purchasing: Legal for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without permits.
Using: Restricted to lawful self-defense purposes.
Selling: Sellers need no special licenses or permits.
Shipping/Receiving: No restrictions.
Purchasing: Permitted for individuals over 18.
Carrying: Concealed carry requires a permit; open carry allowed.
Using: Limited to self-defense situations.
Selling: Legal with no special requirements.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted statewide.
Purchasing: Legal for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Open carry permitted; concealed carry requires a permit.
Using: Must comply with self-defense laws.
Selling: No additional restrictions for sellers.
Shipping/Receiving: Allowed statewide.
New Hampshire
Purchasing: Permitted for individuals over 18.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without a permit.
Using: Limited to lawful self-defense.
Selling: Sellers must comply with general sale guidelines.
Shipping/Receiving: No restrictions.
New Jersey
Purchasing: Permitted with restrictions; buyers may need to verify local ordinances.
Carrying: Concealed carry may be allowed with permits; open carry is generally restricted.
Using: Self-defense use only; misuse may result in severe penalties.
Selling: Sellers must adhere to strict state guidelines.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted but subject to state and local regulations.
New Mexico
Purchasing: Legal for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Open carry permitted; concealed carry may require a permit.
Using: Must adhere to lawful self-defense laws.
Selling: No special restrictions.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted statewide.
New York
Purchasing: Permitted with restrictions; local ordinances may vary significantly.
Carrying: Concealed carry allowed with permits; open carry is restricted.
Using: Strictly for self-defense purposes.
Selling: Sellers must follow New York’s stringent weapon sale laws.
Shipping/Receiving: Subject to state and local regulations.
North Carolina
Purchasing: Legal for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Open carry allowed; concealed carry may require a permit.
Using: Restricted to lawful self-defense situations.
Selling: Sellers must comply with state guidelines.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted statewide.
North Dakota
Purchasing: Permitted for individuals over 18.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without permits.
Using: Limited to lawful self-defense.
Selling: No additional licensing requirements.
Shipping/Receiving: Allowed without restrictions.
Purchasing: Legal for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed.
Using: Must comply with self-defense laws.
Selling: No special requirements for sellers.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted statewide.
Purchasing: Legal for individuals over 18.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without restrictions.
Using: Limited to lawful self-defense.
Selling: No special licensing required.
Shipping/Receiving: No restrictions.
Purchasing: Permitted for individuals 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed.
Using: Must adhere to state self-defense laws.
Selling: No additional requirements.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted statewide.
Purchasing: Legal for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed with no permit required.
Using: Self-defense use only; misuse prohibited.
Selling: No special restrictions.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted statewide.
Rhode Island
Purchasing: Permitted for individuals over 18.
Carrying: Concealed carry may require a permit; open carry is restricted.
Using: Restricted to self-defense situations.
Selling: Sellers must adhere to state guidelines.
Shipping/Receiving: No restrictions.
South Carolina
Purchasing: Legal for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without permits.
Using: Self-defense purposes only.
Selling: No specific restrictions for sellers.
Shipping/Receiving: Allowed statewide.
South Dakota
Purchasing: Permitted for individuals 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without permits.
Using: Must adhere to state self-defense laws.
Selling: Legal with no additional requirements.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted.
Purchasing: Legal for individuals over 18.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without a permit.
Using: Restricted to lawful self-defense.
Selling: Sellers must follow general regulations.
Shipping/Receiving: No restrictions.
Purchasing: Legal for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without permits.
Using: Self-defense use only.
Selling: No special restrictions.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted statewide.
Purchasing: Permitted for individuals 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without a permit.
Using: Limited to lawful self-defense.
Selling: No additional requirements.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted statewide.
Purchasing: Legal for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without restrictions.
Using: Self-defense only; misuse prohibited.
Selling: No special restrictions.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted statewide.
Purchasing: Legal for individuals over 18.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without permits.
Using: Must comply with self-defense laws.
Selling: No additional licensing required.
Shipping/Receiving: No restrictions.
Purchasing: Permitted for individuals 18 and older.
Carrying: Open carry may be restricted; concealed carry allowed with a permit.
Using: Self-defense use only.
Selling: Sellers must adhere to state guidelines.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted statewide.
West Virginia
Purchasing: Legal for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without permits.
Using: Restricted to lawful self-defense.
Selling: No specific restrictions.
Shipping/Receiving: Allowed statewide.
Purchasing: Permitted for individuals over 18.
Carrying: Concealed carry allowed; open carry may face restrictions.
Using: Must adhere to self-defense laws.
Selling: No special requirements for sellers.
Shipping/Receiving: Permitted.
Purchasing: Legal for adults 18 and older.
Carrying: Open and concealed carry allowed without permits.
Using: Self-defense only; misuse prohibited.
Selling: No additional requirements.
Shipping/Receiving: Allowed statewide.