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It's Gun Range Time - Know The Rules - Find A Friend - Be Safe.

If you are new to shooting, the gun range can be an intimidating experience.

It’s important to know the rules and to be as safe as possible. This post is meant to help you find the confidence to go enjoy the sport of shooting.

The first step is obtaining your pistol permit. Congratulations! Now it sits in your wallet, in your purse, maybe even on your kitchen counter. You are proud of this accomplishment, and you should be, but there’s something missing within you, and that’s the confidence to actually go and pull some triggers.

The idea of going shooting is to enjoy yourself, let off a little steam, and become efficient, effective, accurate, and confident when firing a weapon. For some, the experience can be intimidating. It can send your anxiety through the roof, make your palms sweaty, and convince you not to go. This sounds like no fun to me, no wonder you don’t go!

If this describes you, trust me, you are not alone. The number of new pistol permit holders in the state of Connecticut alone is staggering. Most haven’t even fired a gun on their own, never mind purchased one. If they did purchase one, it is most likely secured under their bed or in their closet.

What is the point of your effort, research, and ambition to get your pistol permit, if you do nothing with it?

I get it. The sport is intimidating. Keep reading to find some tips to help build your confidence, learn the rules, and network to find a shooting partner/friend. There are a lot of people out there looking for someone to shoot with. Start with the following information and it will help build your shooting foundation and most importantly help you be safe and enjoy the sport.

How to Find a Shooting Partner

  1. Post on social media that you are looking for a friend to shoot with. This can be on your page, or even the pages of companies like mine here at Prepare To Act.

  2. Email your instructor or the company where you obtained your pistol permit. I bet they have a list of others that are looking for the same thing that you are.

  3. Hire a professional who has the experience and knowledge to teach you about the nuances and rules of the range.


What are the Rules of the Range?

Arriving at the Range

  1. Most ranges want you to show up on property with unloaded and secured weapons. A secured weapon is one in a handgun case, or a go-bag designed for weapons.

  2. Have your identification (e.g. a driver’s license) and your pistol permit on you.

  3. Double-check with the range about caliber restrictions. Only rounds of a certain size can be shot. Some ranges even make you buy the ammo from them on-site.

  4. Every range requires eye and ear protection.

In the Range

  1. Always keep your firearms pointed down range or in a safe direction.

  2. Always keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire.

  3. Keep your guns unloaded until you are on the firing line, where you can make them “hot” (one in the chamber and ready to fire).

  4. If you hear a “cease fire” at any time, immediately stop shooting and remember your muzzle discipline, or keeping your firearm pointed in a safe direction.

  5. Respect the range and its property, pick up trash, empty ammo boxes, and sweep brass if the staff requests it.

  6. Keep your time limit in mind. If you have the lane reserve for one hour, don’t exceed your time. There are likely others who want to shoot, too.

  7. Not knowing the rules or practicing unsafe habits will get you kicked out of a gun range. At the worst, you or someone else may get hurt. Always keep safety and caution in the forefront of your brain.

Be sure to do your investigation. Check the website of the range you are going to, and look up their rules and expectations. Give them a call. Ask them questions or share your concerns. Talk to friends or family members who have been to that range and ask them what to expect. Better yet, ask to go with them!

And listen in the end, we want to help, reach out to Prepare To Act and ask us, if we don’t know the answer we will find out.

Going to the gun range is meant to be fun, so put the effort in, know the rules, find a friend that enjoys the sport, and most of all, be safe!

Check Out The Range Gear We Recommend. Click The Pic.

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