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Find Your True Purpose - Ignite Your True Fight.

Another shooting in Atlanta, this time with eight dead and one injured. The shooter was taken into custody without additional injury.

Turns out, he is a sex addict and has a deep-seated issue with the girls that serviced him in the places where he unloaded. Two business establishments suffered losses. Did the business owners take the proper steps to not only safeguard their staff? Have steps in place for post-incident, the de-brief? The answer is a hard no.

I recently shot a video from the town I grew up in after a 45-minute zoom call, the video can be seen here on my You Tube channel.

I had some good questions and a really good group. 

I was asked about banning firearms universally, a two-fold question, as to the increased number of shootings across the country and around the world. How do we stop it?

Both simple answers: you do not ban firearms or take the rights away from law-abiding citizens and no matter what you do, you will never stop the gun violence that happens around the world.

Despite the concept of violence being so rampant in society, we as a society have never been safer. That, however, is not the point of this post.

I will go public and ask the question that was a basic point from the very beginning, is cocaine illegal? Is heroin illegal? Is drinking and driving illegal? Is beating your spouse illegal? The answer to each is yes. 

The next question is, do people still snort coke, drive drunk, and beat their wives? Why, yes, they do. So, by banning firearms, and making them illegal, who believes that gun violence will go away? Raise your hand.

The idea that the world will be a better place if firearms are outlawed is total and absolute bullshit. Every law-abiding citizen will be less safe, period.

 If “bad guys” have guns, but the good guys don’t, how will the good guys be able to protect themselves and their families when the bad guy comes? The answer is that they will not be able to. 

The sooner that society accepts the fact that bad people exist to do bad things, the easier it will be for me and you to protect ourselves.

For the record, I am not a gun nut, but I do believe in them. I am not a hunter. I do not like to kill anything. However, I do have guns in my home, on my person and I will teach my children how to use them. 

Understand this point if none other, there are assholes out there that want to hurt people.

Do not waste my time on motive, purpose, or reason — that is for the police to figure out after the bullets have been fired. Utilize my time with the question of strategy and tactics, ways to be prepared and be ready, on point and with conviction, without living my life in a paranoid and anxious state.

 Someday, you may find yourself faced with a decision forced upon you by someone bad, angry, and against the world. That choice will be for to you fight back or crumple up into a ball in the corner, crying and begging for your life, just allowing that asshole to do what they want. The answer to my next question will tell you exactly how you will respond.

Do you have a purpose in your life, a truly deep and real purpose? Have you dug deep into yourself to identify the edges of that purpose? 

For it is a purpose that keeps us alive. It is a purpose that when threatened to be taken from us will allow us to fight back. The purpose is the reason, the only reason(s) to live, to exist, to be motivated and passionate. Your purpose is just that, your purpose.

What is YOUR purpose? Your purpose is different than everyone else’s Your purpose is specific to you. And your purpose is nothing unless you spend the time to truly identify it.

I do poorly in my life when I do not have a purpose in it.

I get frustrated, I get depressed, angry, and upset and most importantly, I get lost. And the older that I get the more I realize deep down that my only purpose on earth is to be good to people.  My deepest purpose is to be good and help people find their way. And when I cannot help other people, it is frustrating.

You need to find that purpose that serves you. And the question will undoubtedly ask is, why is purpose important for personal safety?

It is important because it creates the motivation to be aware. More importantly, when you have a purpose, you have a reason to fight.  Therefore, when someone attempts to take the purpose from you, you will dig deep, and you will fight.

Find your purpose. Develop your awareness. Listen to your gut instinct and be safe.

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