Avoid The Purse Snatcher!

What you carry in your purse is replaceable. At least, it should be. 

Ask yourself this question: What do you have in your purse that is worth getting seriously hurt, beaten, or killed over?

It is important to stay alert wherever you are — not paranoid, just alert.

You can avoid encounters simply by being aware of what is going on around you. This may take a little practice, but it can become second nature and it can keep you from becoming a victim.

How to Be Aware in Public

  • Identify the quickest way to exit/escape a building.

  • Pay attention to others’ body language, facial gestures, and other nonverbal signals.

  • Be mindful of someone potentially approaching you on foot or driving slowly by you as you are walking.

  • Pay attention to pedestrian traffic around you.

  • Use the reflection of glass windows to notice behavior behind or around you.

  • Walk with your head held high, your shoulders back, and with a steady, purposeful stride.

  • Be determined and resolute. Criminals will shy away from you. They will go to the man or woman who appears weak or preoccupied.

  • Walk against moving traffic (this makes it more difficult for a criminal to follow you by car).

How to Carry a Purse

  • If you are carrying a purse or shoulder bag, place the strap across your body instead of over your shoulder. Not only does this keep your purse in front of you, making you less of a target, but, it makes it way more difficult for some to grab.

  • Plan ahead when at the grocery store or shopping. Lock your purse inside your car’s trunk and carry a smaller clutch or handbag with just the items you need for that specific store or event. Do not leave your purse unattended on a store counter or in a shopping cart.

  • Use a zippered purse that is more difficult to open.

  • If your purse has a flap for an opening, try to keep the flap side against your body.

  • Keep your house keys in a coat or jacket pocket, separate from your purse.

  • When using public transportation, leave your purse in your lap or between your feet, rather than on the seat beside you.

  • If someone steals your purse, yell, “He stole my purse!”

What to Do When You Witness a Theft

  • Make a mental note of what the thief looked like, including their height, weight, facial hair, race, clothing, tattoos, or any other descriptors that stands out. Remember that the smallest clue or piece of information could solve the case.

  • If you see the thief get into a vehicle, note the vehicle’s license plate.

  • If you can’t make out the entire plate, get what you can even if it is just the make, model, or color of the vehicle, as well as how many doors it had.

  • Was there a getaway driver or was the thief the driver?

  • Was there a passenger?

  • Did anything stand out from the vehicle? (i.e. bumper stickers, broken taillight, large rims)

  • What was the direction of travel? Which way did the car turn?

It is important to maintain a list of all your credit card numbers, checking account numbers, driver’s license number, and any other important information with the appropriate contact numbers in case they are stolen with your purse. 

Keep this list separate from your purse, clutch, or handbag. Most times, thieves will rummage through a purse, take the credit cards and cash, then throw the purse out of the window.  They will then go to the nearest store and purchase the most items possible before you have the opportunity to close the cards.

Bad people want your stuff and they want it any way they can get it. They look for vulnerabilities and opportunities. Don’t give them what they want.

Stay Safe. Stay Aware. Stay Present.

Plan. Prepare. Prevail.


Excerpts From “On Killing” by Lt. Dave Grossman


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