10 Items That Will Keep You Safe in Your Home

Your home should be your refuge from the world, but sadly, that’s not always the case. Each year, more than two million burglaries occur in the United States, and there are some basic steps you can take to protect yourself and your family in case of an emergency situation. Here are 10 items that will keep you safe in your home.

#1 Examine Your Exterior Doors For Potential Weaknesses

Like your windows, your front door should be equipped with a deadbolt lock and solid-core wood construction (which is more resistant to prying than hollow-core doors). If you have a steel door, it needs a closer or deadbolt; if it doesn’t have one, install one now. And in either case, add some sort of outside security systems such as motion-detector lights or surveillance cameras so criminals can’t get away scot-free after breaking in. An alarm will also deter intruders from targeting your home in general. Also, consider installing video intercoms next to all exterior doors—that way, someone has to announce themselves before entering.

#2 - Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors are one of those things that you think should be common sense, but how many homes have them? If your house is more than a couple of years old, there’s a good chance it doesn’t. Check around to see if you have a smoke detector (and install one if you don’t), and make sure it’s functional. A working smoke detector can literally save your life in a fire; do not ignore it! It may seem like an overused cliché at times but preventing fires really can start with small changes. Don’t leave flammable items near sources of heat and never leave burning candles unattended.

#3 - Security Systems

Getting a home security system is a good first step. The best way to keep your home safe is to have a system installed and then make sure it’s properly maintained. Make sure that you also store backup keys outside of your house, so that you can access your home again if something happens to your keys while you’re away. Having both will give you an extra layer of protection when you need it most. In addition, it's always wise to make sure that your friends and family know where you are going before leaving on vacation or a trip so they can alert authorities if anything does happen to go wrong. Read more about How Security Systems Work here.

#4 - Deadbolt Locks

One of the most important things you can do to keep your home safe is to invest in a good, sturdy deadbolt lock. Make sure that when you buy one, it is designed for maximum resistance against tampering and has a steel exterior that can’t be chipped or broken through easily. Then, be sure to use it—don’t let keys slip into unsecured areas and make it a point to lock up whenever you leave your home or go to bed at night. This might feel inconvenient at first, but eventually, it will become second nature! And hey, locking up each time you exit (and enter) your house will give you an excuse to start remembering all those reasons why you love living there so much (even if those reasons involve waffles).

#5- Self-Defense Keychains

Everyone deserves to feel safe at home but having a self-defense keychain is an affordable way to give yourself some extra protection when you’re away from home. The keychain can be used as a mini club and should help scare off most attackers—or, at least, slow them down so you can make your escape. When dealing with physical attacks, every second counts. While calling 911 is always a smart move, it can sometimes take emergency responders a while to get to your location.

#6 - Pepper Spray

Pepper spray is a good option for home defense. The active ingredient oleoresin capsicum (OC) causes irritation and inflammation of mucous membranes that result in temporary blindness, coughing, gagging, disorientation, temporary immobilization, and pain. A report by PEW Research found that 58% of U.S. adults have a gun in their home; if you’re concerned about burglary or break-ins, pepper spray can help discourage potential intruders.

#7 - Door Stop Alarm

Rather than setting up a standard alarm that goes off every time someone opens your door, you can buy an inexpensive door stop alarm to make it appear as though anyone entering your home has triggered a sensor. It’s an easy way to ward off intruders without being too aggressive. Use one on any interior doors leading into areas where you keep anything of value or even occasionally have people over: bedrooms, bathrooms, laundry rooms—anyplace where someone could take something away from you if they enter while you aren’t there. And with most alarms priced at $20 or less, they’re worth having around for emergencies and non-emergencies alike.

#8 - Motion Sensors

Motion sensors are a great way to keep your home secure without spending too much. A motion sensor can be set up to detect when people move within a designated area, such as near your front door or inside your living room. When people move within these areas, they will turn on the lights and sound an alarm, effectively scaring away intruders. Motion sensors require very little maintenance and can last for years if they are kept clean. Be sure to check out our collection of other security products including security cameras and alarms that work alongside motion sensors. Remember: no one’s invincible—but you can make it pretty hard for most intruders to get into your house. We wish you all luck with keeping safe!

#9 - Taser Gun

If you want something more powerful than pepper spray to help you defend yourself, a Taser gun is your best bet. These non-lethal weapons deliver electrical impulses that temporarily paralyze their target and allow you to escape. They are ideal for those who don’t want to carry a weapon around with them all day but still want to be protected. The average cost is $395. 00. It is important to note, however, that Tasers have a limited range of 15 feet or so; beyond that distance, they lose effectiveness quickly.

#10 - Smart Lights

If you’re not home when an intruder enters your house, a smart light is great. The idea is simple: once motion or sound sensors detect something fishy happening, your smart lights will turn on to scare off any intruders and make them think someone’s home. Even if they don’t believe it at first, they know it can happen at any time while they are inside your house. Additionally, many of these lights allow you to set timers (so after 20 minutes of no movement or noise being detected inside your home), they automatically shut off so as not to waste energy and let burglars know that no one is around anymore.

In Conclusion

Keeping yourself safe and secure at home is a no-brainer, whether you’re worried about intruders or a natural disaster. By arming yourself with information and buying high-quality safety products, you can make your home feel more like a fortress than a house. But when done correctly a Home Defense plan, will give you the confidence that you are safe, while keeping the comfort we need at home.